
Colbert puts Flash Thompson On Notice.

Since starting his critically acclaimed fake news show The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert has apparently caught the imagination of a few comic artists, and his likeness has appeared in multiple comic books.

Although he isn't named as such (possibly due to copyright issues), a Stephen Colbert-type character makes a cameo in the comic Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #15, appearing on two pages. The plot, described as the "Battle of the Books", sees Spider-Man and his enemy, the Vulture, battling it out in a bookstore, while Deborah Whitman, author of a recent memoir on her relationship with Spider-Man, is caught in the middle. Colbert appears in a moment of comic relief, putting Parker "On Notice" for being a "bleeding-heart liberal" as well as spewing his trademarked catchphrase, "And that's the Word!".

The Pages[]

These are very high-res scans of the comic:

